OUR ORIGIN. It’s your tale as well as ours. The CUNA Mutual Insurance Society and its Canadian arm, CUMIS, were founded in the aftermath of a catastrophe that emphasized the need for insurance protection for the company’s operations.
Is CUMIS owned by the cooperators?
Since 2009, Central 1 and the Co-operators have shared ownership of the Cumis Group. Cumis General Insurance Co. and Cumis Life Insurance Co. will now be fully owned subsidiaries of the Co-operators.
Who owns CUMIS auto insurance?
The CUMIS name is used by Co-operators Life Insurance Company for individual life insurance, creditor group insurance, and retirement services.
What does CMFG stand for in life insurance?
Through CUNA Mutual Group, CMFG sells life insurance to the general public and credit union members under the TruStage brand. “What does CMFG life insurance stand for?” I’m frequently asked. The abbreviation CMFG, on the other hand, has no meaning.
Is the cooperators a broker?
Cooperators Financial Services Limited is a company that provides financial services to Canadians. All of The Cooperators’ insurance, brokerage, and investment management operations are housed in one Canadian holding corporation.
Who owns the co-operators?
SELECTCARE WORLDWIDE CORPORATION SELECTCARE WORLDWIDE CORPORATION SELECTCARE WORLDWIDE CO Diagram of the organization The Co-operators Group Limited is a co-operative holding company owned by 47 Canadian co-operatives, credit unions, and similar organizations.
What does CUMIS counsel do?
Cumis counsel refers to the independent attorney that a defendant is allowed to retain in a liability insurance claim where the defendant and the insurance company have a conflict of interest.
Is the cooperators a cooperative?
The Co-operators Group Limited (CGL) is a 70-year-old co-operative owned by Canadians. Cooperatives and credit union centrals are among our members.