Will Life Insurance Cover Skydiving?

You can, but it’s unlikely that a typical life insurance policy will cover it. If you participate in hobbies such as rock climbing or skydiving, it will be asked on your life insurance application. If you do, be aware that the insurance may include a rider that prevents you from receiving a payout if you die while skydiving. If you want to ensure that your beneficiaries are compensated even if you die while skydiving or participating in other prohibited activities (such as small plane flying, skydiving, rock climbing, scuba diving, or bungee jumping), you must be honest with your insurance agent. They’ll make sure to draft a policy that doesn’t rule out paying out on a death claim if you die while doing one or more of these activities.

Does life insurance pay out for skydiving?

If normal coverage is not possible, several life insurance firms give skydivers specialized coverage options. Skydivers, like everyone else, can apply for both term and permanent insurance. Permanent life insurance, which includes whole life and universal life options, lasts until your death (provided the premiums are paid). Term life insurance lasts for a specified amount of time, such as 10 to 30 years. Working with a life insurance agent or using a life insurance calculator can assist you in determining which type and amount of coverage to purchase.

Specialized life insurance

You might wish to explore a specific life insurance policy as a skydiver to customize your possibilities. Insurance companies may be hesitant to insure you on a conventional policy due to the greater risk you assume when skydiving. A tailored policy that considers your hobbies and adjusts your premiums accordingly could be a suitable choice.

Accidental death insurance

Skydivers may potentially benefit from accidental death insurance. This sort of coverage compensates those who have died as a result of specified accidents. If you have accidental death insurance and skydiving is a covered event, if you die in a skydiving accident, your beneficiary will receive the death benefit.

How does skydiving affect life insurance?

Yes, skydiving will raise your life insurance premiums because it raises the risk of insuring you. Many carriers charge a set extra rate based on their underwriting requirements and how frequently you hop, usually between $2 and $5 for $1,000 of coverage purchased.

Is skydiving a life changing experience?

While the adrenaline rush from a jump may wear off, the friendships you make will last a lifetime. Skydiving transforms your life by introducing you to new people with whom you may share your experiences. After you leap, you’ll discover that a’skydive family’ exists. The community you join because of a shared interest eventually turns into a source of sociability you may enjoy for many years to come.

Is skydiving worth the money?

It’s an investment in memories that will last a lifetime. Knowing you’re capable of anything and the confidence that comes with it makes skydiving well worth the money in our opinion; similarly, a single experience transforming your entire outlook on life is a fantastic return on investment.

Does life insurance Cover suicidal death?

Suicidal death is normally covered by life insurance policies provided the policy was obtained at least two to three years before the insured died. There are a few exceptions since the suicide clause and contestability provision in a life insurance policy expire after this time period. However, if you omitted to disclose information at the time you purchased the insurance, such as risky habits or a diagnosis of depression, your beneficiary’s claim may still be refused.

Falling vs Flying

Also, while it’s not always a concern of safety, when skydiving, you don’t realize how high you’re really flying, thus your fear of flying isn’t as strong. This is because at 10,000 feet (about where you’ll be when you jump), there aren’t enough objects for your brain to triangulate your position.

When skydiving, you attain terminal velocity after leaving the plane and picking up speed. It feels more like flying than dropping when you “fall.” Bungee jumping, on the other hand, feels like a fall and gives you that sinking feeling in your stomach. It only lasts a few seconds, after which you dangle/hang there till you are dropped to the earth. Doesn’t sound quite as stunningly magnificent as freefalling at 120mph for 45 seconds, does it?

Skilled Sport Vs One-Time Thrill

We are continuously on the lookout for new experiences as adventure enthusiasts. All you receive from bungee jumping is a brief rush. Because of how your body adapts, you get a little less of that wonderful adrenaline rush with each leap. There are no new skills to learn and no new skills to develop. It’s the same every time. The only thing you have control over is where you take the initial step and how confidently you do so.

Skydiving, on the other hand, is a very different story. Skydiving opens up a whole new universe that is just waiting to be discovered. Skydiving is a growing sport with a lot to learn and participate in. There are a variety of skydiving disciplines to keep you challenged, and you can always learn a new talent. The boundaries are always being pushed. A world record effort to make a formation with 200 people while flying on their heads was just completed! Unlike bungee jumping, you can include people in this activity. Skydiving might be exactly up your alley if you’re seeking for a sport that will challenge you and allow you to improve.

So – Skydiving vs Bungee Jumping: Which Is Safer?

Both bungee jumping and skydiving, like other extreme activities, carry a certain amount of risk. However, much is done to limit those risks in both sports, and constant advancements in technology and state-of-the-art equipment continue to make each sport safer. Since the 1970s, the United States Parachute Association has been collecting data on skydiving in order to compile statistics on skydiving safety. According to the most recent data gathered, skydiving’s safety record is improving. Tandem skydiving has an even better track record. Over the last decade, one student has died for every 500,000 tandem jumps. A person is more likely to die from being stung by a bee or being struck by lightning than from tandem skydiving, according to the National Safety Council. Bungee jumping has the same 1 in 500,000 death rate as skydiving.

Bungee jumping and skydiving are both extremely safe activities. However, as you can see, the nature of the experience differs significantly.

Do you think skydiving is for you and want to learn more? Make a jump reservation with Long Island Skydiving today!

What are the chances of death in skydiving?

There were 15 fatalities among the 3.3 million total skydives recorded by USPA-member dropzones in 2019, making the skydiving death rate 1 in 220,301. When it comes to tandem skydiving fatalities, the figure is one in every 500,000 jumps. Minor and non-fatal injuries are more common.

Is skydiving a spiritual experience?

We’ve had the pleasure of welcoming guests of every race, color, and creed throughout the years, and we’ve learnt a few things about our differences. We’re all the same, even if we appear different, come from different regions, or believe in different gods.

On the subject of religion (isn’t this one of those blog topics you should never discuss as a business? ), we’ve seen that many individuals have characterized skydiving as a spiritual experience, regardless of their religious beliefs. For those who haven’t tried skydiving, this may appear weird, as the images of people jumping out of planes at 120 mph appear anything but sacrosanct.

The way skydiving seems is not the same as how it feels. Because of the following, it can appear to be a spiritual experience:

You Become Unburdened

Skydiving, believe it or not, permits (forces) you to forget about your troubles. You know how the skydive starts mere seconds after you walk out the door? That’s where it all begins. The concerns with which you arrived are no longer relevant. When you step off the plane, marital problems, financial stresses, health issues, and workplace concerns are all a million miles away. For the first time in a long time, you are free of your burdens and compelled to live in the present moment. You’re no longer merely observing life… you’re living it, and it’s a beautiful sensation.

You Feel Incredibly Happy

Free falling at 120 mph, believe it or not, is a thrilling experience. You have no sense of speed and don’t feel like you’re falling to your death. There is no haste on the ground. The sensation is SUCCESSFUL. Can you recall the last time you grinned from ear to ear to the point of pain in your face? Probably not since you were a kid on Christmas morning, ripping open the present you’d been anticipating all year. This is free fall, and all you can do is enjoy every minute of it. It’s fantastic!!!

You Gain Clarity

This is where the event begins to speak to your soul. While the free fall is enjoyable, it is extremely noisy. The volume difference is noticeable as the parachute opens. It’s eerily quiet. It’s just you, the light flapping through the canopy above you, and the breathtaking scenery below. It’s stunning. You’ll see your environment in a new light, above the din and shattered manner of life, and it will give you perspective. All of that stuff down there isn’t actually important… at least not in the grand scheme of things. It’s nonsense, drama, and it’s all man-made. We realize we’ve allowed all that noise to take over much too much of our lives after seeing this.

You Feel Renewed

As soon as you touch down, you are jolted awake from your daily nap. You realize that the one thing you’ve been lacking in your life is living; living each day to its fullest potential. Skydiving has grabbed your shoulders and shaken you violently. Life is meant to be lived, and you’ve only recently begun to do so.

The feelings you just had — contentment, tranquility, and clarity – are all things we wish we had more of in our life. While some people identify these happy feelings with going to church, they can also be found in the sky. It’s no surprise that skydiving is equated to a spiritual experience, which it most certainly is for many.

You’ll Be Set Free

You’re obliged to answer inquiries now that you’ve had the spiritual experience of skydiving. What do you want to achieve in your life? What additional things do you want to do that you’re afraid of now that you’ve skydived? This can take numerous forms, from an adventure sport to something more substantial, like as leaving your job for another, starting your own business, or even pursuing someone who you believe is out of your league.

Skydiving, if nothing else, broadens your horizons and forces you to contemplate new alternatives.

Skydiving is so much more than a thrilling experience. It’s a life-changing experience for many!

What is the average cost of skydiving?

The average cost of a jump in the United States is roughly $250. That gets you a tandem jump out of an airplane with a highly experienced, rated, and certified instructor, as well as skydiving equipment that keeps you and your new best friend together throughout the experience. That may sound excessive at first, but when you think that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you want it to be as safe as possible, it begins to make sense. Right?