Will My Insurance Cover Proton Therapy?

When cancer patients and their families receive a denial from their health insurance plan, they are often filled with rage, anxiety, and bewilderment. Their first reaction is frequently to contact their health insurance plan as soon as they receive the denial, which is not advised. Instead, cancer patients and their families should research the provisions of their health insurance coverage policy as well as the appeals process of their health insurer.

  • The steps for filing an appeal must be followed to the letter in order to overturn a denial.
  • The number of levels of appeals allowed by the health insurance plan may usually be found in the health insurer’s benefits manual, also known as the Summary Plan Description.
  • The type of health insurance plan in which they are enrolled (HMO, PPO, High-Deductible, HRA, Indemnity, Medicare or Medicare Supplement)
  • The amount of time a health insurance has to evaluate an appeal – most health insurers use the entire 30 to 60 days they’re given.
  • If the health insurance plan is paid for by an employer and administered by the health insurer. In certain circumstances, the employer has the option of requesting an Administrative Waiver, which will result in the decision being overturned.
  • The reason for the health insurer’s denial of coverage — this should be documented.

Does insurance pay for proton therapy?

Medicare, Medicaid, and many private insurance companies cover proton beam therapy. Coverage is determined on a case-by-case basis, based on your diagnosis, medical history, and other considerations.

To learn about your coverage, you and your primary oncologist must file a request for coverage of your proton therapy plan prior to arranging treatment. Proton therapy is covered by many insurance companies, but not all.

How much does proton therapy treatment cost?

Proton therapy might cost anything between $30,000 and $120,000. A course of radiosurgery treatment, on the other hand, costs between $8,000 and $12,000, according to Heron. The cost of IMRT (intensity-modulated radiation treatment) is approximately $15,000. According to Heron, a stereotactic radiation treatment center costs about $7 million to develop vs roughly $200 million for a proton therapy center.

Proton therapy could be particularly useful in the treatment of pediatric malignancies, according to Heron. “Because of the radiation, children are significantly more vulnerable, and they have a larger risk of having additional cancers.”

Proton therapy is a strong proponent, according to Jatinder R. Palta, PhD, head of medical physics at Virginia Commonwealth University and chief physicist for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ national radiation oncology program, but only for a limited, select group of patients.

“Our analysis did not identify any class-one evidence for proton treatment for primary malignancies like prostate, lung, or any other cancers,” he noted in a research he conducted for the VA. However, there were a few exceptions. Proton therapy is “unquestionably better than conventional therapy in terms of morbidity and results” in some people.

How do you qualify for proton therapy?

Proton treatment for cancer is only appropriate for a tiny percentage of cancer patients. However, for this small group, the precision kills cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue, resulting in fewer side effects in many circumstances. Patients with solid tumors near sensitive organs, such as brain, breast, and lung malignancies, are particularly strong candidates for proton treatment. Proton radiation is considered the gold standard of therapy for recurring, pediatric, and ocular malignancies. We offer the following two tools for health care professionals to assist you in making the best treatment decisions for your patients.

What is the success rate of proton therapy?

Chemotherapy and either conventional or proton radiation are used to treat many people with locally advanced malignancies. Finding techniques to decrease side effects while keeping the treatment successful is a top issue for patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation at the same time, according to Dr. Baumann.

He and his colleagues looked at data from approximately 1,500 persons who had been diagnosed with 11 different cancers. Between 2011 and 2016, all patients received combined chemotherapy and radiation at the University of Pennsylvania Health System and were monitored for side effects and cancer outcomes, including survival. Proton therapy was given to nearly 400 people, while the rest received standard radiation.

The researchers discovered that people who underwent proton therapy had substantially less serious side effects than those who received standard radiation. Within 90 days of starting treatment, 45 patients (12%) in the proton therapy group and 301 patients (28%) in the standard radiation group encountered a severe adverse event, defined as one that required hospitalization.

Furthermore, unlike standard radiation, proton therapy had less of an impact on people’s ability to conduct daily tasks like housework. Patients who underwent proton therapy were half as likely as those who got standard radiation to have their performance status scores drop during the course of treatment.

Proton treatment appears to treat cancer and prolong life just as well as regular radiation therapy. After three years, 46 percent of proton treatment patients and 49 percent of standard radiation therapy patients were cancer-free. After three years, 56% of individuals who underwent proton therapy and 58% of those who received conventional radiation were still alive.

Why is proton therapy not covered by insurance?

If your doctor has suggested proton beam therapy to treat your cancer, you’re probably in desperate need of its benefits. Proton beam therapy isn’t something that doctors conduct on the spur of the moment. They do it because a patient requires a safe and effective way to destroy or reduce a tumor. In other words, this sort of cancer treatment is only indicated when it is really necessary.

Unfortunately, some insurance companies refuse to pay proton beam therapy. They may refer to the treatment as “experimental or investigational,” or they may argue that it is “not medically essential.” Patients may be forced to take out loans, sell valuable property, or settle for a less effective, more hazardous treatment if they do not have insurance coverage for this critical treatment.

It sounds unfair, and it is. The purpose of health insurance is to cover the costs of necessary therapies. Proton beam therapy, for example, is a proven treatment that gives patients the best chance of survival with the fewest side effects conceivable; and if an insurance company refuses to pay it, they may be behaving in bad faith with their policyholder.

Insurance companies must keep their obligations when individuals require treatment for a serious illness such as cancer. Call Doug Terry at (405) 400-1066 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free case evaluation with our experts if you or a loved one has been denied proton therapy insurance coverage.

Is proton therapy painful?

Proton therapy does not cause pain, albeit placement may cause discomfort in some individuals with physical restrictions. It simply takes a few minutes for the proton beams to be treated and delivered.

How long does it take to recover from proton therapy?

After a proton treatment session, most people resume their normal activities right afterwards. Within 2-8 weeks, many people report seeing results from this therapy. The response of your tumor to proton therapy is determined by the type of cancer you have and where it is located in your body.

Ask your doctor about proton therapy as a treatment option if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Your doctor will assist you in determining whether or not this treatment is appropriate for you.

Is proton therapy better than CyberKnife?

There are numerous more significant distinctions between CyberKnife and Proton Therapy, including the following:

Proton Therapy uses a unit of radiation of 1.8 to 2.0 Gy per fraction, whereas CyberKnife uses a unit of radiation of 5 to 20 Gy per fraction.

Proton Therapy treatments take 6 to 7 weeks to complete, whereas CyberKnife treatments take 3 to 5 days.

Proton Therapy’s accuracy (tissue margin) is 20 to 30 millimeters, whereas CyberKnife’s is only 1 to 5 millimeters.

Proton therapy uses 2-3 radiation beams, whereas CyberKnife uses 100-200+ beams.

Furthermore, Proton Therapy does not provide continual correction for patient movement, but the CyberKnife system’s robotic arm does. This prevents damage to healthy tissue by keeping the radiation beams focused on their target with sub-millimeter accuracy.

This is critical because a person’s body moves naturally, such as when breathing or when the bladder fills with pee (which can move the prostate). CyberKnife moves in sync with the tumor.

How many treatments do you need for proton therapy?

How many sessions or treatments does a course of proton therapy require? The number of treatments required varies depending on the diagnosis, however they might range from 5 to 39.

What are the disadvantages of proton therapy?

You may feel weary after your session. The side effects of proton therapy are comparable to those of other types of radiation therapy. Because the approach involves less radiation exposure, adverse effects may be less severe than with regular radiation therapy.

  • Skin that is sore and discolored around the treatment region, similar to a sunburn.

Headaches and eating and digestion issues are possible adverse effects, depending on the area treated.